An icon representing a table with three rows and three columns.

What are preflop charts?

For any player who wants to win at poker, it is essential to master the prepflop game. We created these preflop charts to make this skill accessible to any motivated poker player.

How we created these charts

We designed these charts using the best tools that provide game strategies based on optimal game theory (GTO). We then reworked them to make them easier to understand and to remember.

The principle

Each chart gives you the ideal preflop game strategy for each pair of cards you may be dealt.

For example:

Preflop chart legend SB vs Open button.
Preflop chart legend SB vs Open button
Preflop chart in Small Blind against a raise of the Button

Thanks to this chart, you can for example see that in Small Blind against a raise of the Button you must fold most of your hands, go all-in with some of the remaining hands and re-raise with your top hands (AA and KK).

Note: “o” and “s” after the hand, like AKo or 64s for example, mean:

  • “s” (for “suit”) means that the cards have the same suit (spades, diamonds, hearts or clubs)
  • “o” (for “offsuit”) if the cards are of different suits

Second note:
It is important to note that the decisions suggested by these charts do not necessarily have to be followed to the letter. The ideal is to know how to adapt to the dynamics of the table and to your opponents.

The “plus” of Poker Sciences

Poker Sciences also offers you what no other poker site offers to our knowledge: explanations to help you understand and remember the charts.

Indeed, memorizing numerous charts is a very difficult task for all poker players but our detailed explanations will facilitate your progress.

How much will it cost me?

For the time being, we have chosen to make these charts accessible for free. Take advantage of it, it may not always be the case!

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