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The 3bet can bring in a lot of chips when used correctly (© Poker Sciences)

3bet in Poker: Definition and Basic Strategy

Everything you need to know about the 3bet if you are a beginner: its definition, the different types of 3bet, and how to use it correctly to dominate your tables.

Article written by Gandalf, Spin & Go and GTO specialist, co-founder of Poker Sciences.

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Definition: 3bet in poker

A 3bet refers to a raise after an initial raise. It is an action used to put pressure on opponents. Generally, it is used to maximize the value of a strong hand but sometimes as a bluff.

The different types of 3bet

To start, let's go into detail about the different types of 3-bet. We will then see the two types of ranges you can rely on to make a 3-bet.

Types of sizing

  • Min 3-bet: This is a 3-bet that corresponds to the minimum raise amount.

There is no general rule regarding the amount of this minimum raise. Sometimes it is double the previous raise or, in other rules, the current bet plus the amount of the first raise. For example: suppose the blinds are at €1/€2 (small blind/big blind). A player raises to €6 (this is the first raise or "2-bet" even though this term is never used). To make a 3-bet, the next player must raise by at least the current bet (€6) plus the amount of the first raise (which is €6 - €2 = €4), so €10.

  • Squeeze: A 3-bet made after a player has already called an opening, used to exploit the weakness of these players' ranges.
  • 3-bet show: An all-in raise as a 3-bet, often used against opponents with small stacks.
  • 3-bet size: A 3-bet that is not a 3bet-shove. Term often used in Spin.

The different 3-bet ranges

  • Polarized 3bet: Using a range that includes the best hands and weaker hands (bluffs), leaving out "medium" hands. Example of a polarized 3bet range:
Tableau de range de 3bet polarisé.
A polarized 3bet range contains very strong hands (at the top in red) and bluffs (at the bottom in red).
  • Merged 3bet: Using a range that includes strong hands and moderately strong hands, creating less distinction between value hands and bluffs. Example of a merged 3bet range:
Chart of a merged 3-bet range in poker.
A merged 3-bet range with top and medium hands (in red)

3-Bet vs 4-Bet

A 4-bet is a raise made after a 3-bet, often indicating an extremely strong hand.


Why 3-bet in poker?

Often underutilized by beginner players, the 3-bet is a very effective action for several reasons:

  • Maximizing the value of strong hands: The 3-bet increases the pot size pre-flop with strong hands, allowing you to win larger pots when you have a dominant hand.
  • Isolate opponents: By reducing the number of players in the hand, you simplify the possible post-flop scenarios and increase the probability of controlling the hand until the end. Do not underestimate the difficulty of playing multi-way pots!
  • Exploiting fold equity: By putting pressure on opponents with a 3-bet, you encourage them to fold pre-flop, allowing you to sometimes win the pot with weaker hands or at least prevent your opponents from improving their hands on the flop, turn, and river.
  • Take the initiative: A 3-bet gives you the psychological and strategic advantage of initiative, making it more difficult for opponents to play optimally post-flop, especially since the strategy in 3bet pots is generally not well mastered.

Important note on flop strategy: Although the 3-bet is a pre-flop strategy, it is crucial to have a well-defined post-flop strategy in case you are called by one or more opponents.

Jeune homme qui tombe en arrière dans un décor de ville.
It is risky to make a 3-bet if it is not part of a comprehensive pre-flop and post-flop strategy...

How to build your 3-bet range?

Building a 3-bet range requires considering the position, the stack sizes of the players at the table, and the playing style of your opponents.


  • The later your position (like the button or cut-off), the more you can widen your 3-bet range to include bluffs and lower value hands because you will have the advantage of information by being the last to act post-flop
  • Conversely, in early position or out of position (like in the small blind), it is advisable to tighten your range to focus on the best hands to avoid difficult situations without the initiative.

Stack size:

  • With deeper stacks, you can include more weaker hands in your 3-bet range because you have the necessary margin to play more complex pots and exploit post-flop situations.
  • With smaller stacks, as in Spin, focus on the best hands because you will quickly be all-in.
Jeune homme assis à un table de poker en extérieur avec des jetons de poker devant lui.
A significant stack allows you to more comfortably widen your 3-bet range.

How to adjust your 3-bet frequency according to your opponents?

Your 3-bet frequency will also depend on your opponents:

  • Opponents with a high 4-bet percentage : If you play against aggressive opponents who tend to respond with a 4-bet frequently, consider restricting your 3bet range to the best hands.
  • Opponents with a high fold percentage : If, on the contrary, your opponents often fold, you can exploit this tendency by 3-betting more widely (polarized range).
  • Opponents with a high call percentage : Finally, if you are often called, playing against "calling stations," you should tighten your 3-bet range to include mainly good hands (merged range).

Caution: These adjustments should not lead you to 3bet 100% of your hands or, conversely, to stop 3betting altogether. Profitable exploitation of opponents generally involves adding or subtracting only a few percentages from the optimal frequency. The danger of deviating too much from the optimal strategy is to become exploitable yourself.

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Final quiz on the 3-bet

Question 1: MTT

You are at the beginning of a tournament with a stack of 75BB in the Big Blind. A player with a very wide open range opens 2.5BB on the button with a stack of 60BB. You have A ♠ Q ♠. What strategy would you apply?

  • A. 3-bet with a merged range to include A ♠ Q ♠ and other medium value hands.
  • B. 3-bet with a polarized range to include A ♠ Q ♠ and selected bluffs.
  • C. Just call, as 3-betting would be preferable against less aggressive opponents.
  • D. Fold, as A ♠ Q ♠ is not strong enough to play.

Answer (click to reveal):

Answer B: A 3-bet with a polarized range is appropriate here, including strong hands and targeted bluffs, to exploit the width of the opponent's opening range and maximize pre-flop pressure.

Question 2: Spin & Go

In a 3-player Spin & Go, you are in the SB with a stack of 25BB. The player on the button, who has a normal open frequency, minraises 2BB. How should the SB's 3-bet range be constructed?

  • A. Build a polarized range, including very strong hands and bluffs, to increase button pressure.
  • B. Use a tight merged range, only 3-betting with strong hands to avoid risky post-flop confrontations.

Answer (click to reveal):

Answer B: Using a merged range, only 3-betting with very strong hands is the best strategy for the SB. This way, you avoid complex and uncertain post-flop confrontations out of position, which is crucial in a format where stacks are small.

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